Category Archives: Sept 2019

Queen, Aids Epidemic, Tolerance

Watching Bohemian Rhapsody with your homophobic Dad, what could possibly go wrong?
My Dad is dying, the Doctors told him he had a year, that was 6 Months ago. So out of a family of 3 kids, the one who is the failure in his eyes stepped up to take care of him, sort out his meds, go to Hospital Appointments, the list goes on.
When I left home on my Eighteenth Birthday I rejoiced in the fact I would never have walk around Landmines, or think thirty steps ahead, or make sure no one and nothing pissed him off enough to create World War 3.

I’d like to think the years have mellowed him, 28 years later I think I am the best of a bad lot in his eyes. My Siblings check in by phone regardless of the fact they live closer than I, somehow that’s just a step too far. While I never have had his love, he has my loyalty because of my DNA.

queenAnyway, Bohemian Rhapsody, amazing Movie, amazing music off course! Freddie Mercury while portrayed as a bitchy Diva is also shown to be a lonely, isolated and tortured genius who needed to find his tribe, and ultimately love.
The Aids Epidemic is very quickly glossed over and I found myself answering my Dads questions about Aids and the associated terms. Believe me the irony is not lost on me, but with the words I verbalise of explanation I have flashbacks of his harsh words, his looks of disgust and treatment towards me. It was like a very tacky mini reel in a movie that appears just before everyone kisses and makes up…….. in the Movies anyways.

If this was a Disney story or a Once Upon A time story I would continue to how we finally found common ground and bluebirds swirled around our head as we realised all the wasted time we had lost, lol NOPE, honestly I am ok with it. I have no expectations or hold out any hope that he will suddenly become enlightened or accepting. His diagnosis hasn’t had that kind of effect on him, so I fear not even Freddie could.

Strange thing is after being single now for almost 4 years, alot of well meaning folks have enquired as to the status of my love life. I normally laugh and ask them when and how would I get time?? It does make me chuckle, the idea of introducing someone new to my family, after the last disaster I believe the only way has to be up. Now that I’m older, I truly have a nonchalant attitude to anyone elses views. I avoid drama and chose the path of least resistance, but I never confuse that will being a walk over.

If my misogynistic Dad can find a middle ground to ask me about LGBT labels pertaining aidsto the Aids Epidemic, I guess I can find a little more patience and tolerance for my friends and their well meaning enquiries.

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Filed under Sept 2019