They Want Straight Pride, We Want 1 Day

straightTodays Headlines STRAIGHT PRIDE. I did a retake and read again what had to be the most redundant headline to grace the front page of a Newspaper.

Its the month of June and everyone is gearing up for the 1 day out of the 365 when it’s safe, acceptable or ok to walk holding the hand of the person we love in public without fear of a verbal or physical attack.
The ONE day.
364 other days of the year we have to be cautious of any display of affection, that anyone might take offence at or misinterpret.
364 days of the year, safety, being safe, staying safe is foremost in our mind, whether out shopping or sharing coffee, or simply wanting to share good news with each other and forgetting its not ok to hug in public. free hugs

One day of the year when the scared teenager who feels isolated and alone can see they are not the only alien who feels this way in the world. That there are folks who are happy, whether in a relationship or single. Folks who are comfortable in the way they identify from how they dress to the name they chose, to songs they sing or dance to.
For 364 days they have to live a covert existence, remembering to be careful what they say, how they act, what clothes they wear or even what channels they watch on Youtube in case someone checks on their browsing history and sees them as broken, deviant or just plain wrong.

If I could explain to the people organising the Straight pride. How it feels to spend one day not worrying about offending someone with the wrong words is almost like breaking through the surface of the Ocean when you are completely out of breath. Suddenly you can breath, you can open your eyes, smell the flowers and even hear more clearly. It’s not a day fuelled by drugs and alcohol, its a day fuelled by hugs, love and acceptance. It most certainly isn’t a day of sexual deviance or paedophilia, it’s a day to dance, a day to be with your tribe and understand that you do have a place in this world and a do have value.

One day, 24 hours out of 365 days, is it really that much to ask for?

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Filed under June 2019

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